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Cherokee County Voting Precincts Map
UPDATED Cherokee County Election Precincts (PDF)
Elimination of Straight Party Voting:
Notice and
From Texas Secretary of State website:
Daily Election Information
Ballot by Mail Tracker
Notice of Voting Order Priority (PDF)
An election officer may give voting order priorityto individuals with a mobility problem that substantiallyimpares the person's ability to move around...
Texas Voter ID (link)
Voters who do not possess and cannot reasonably obtainone of the seven forms of approved photo IDhave additional options at the polls...
Voting for People with Disabilities
Making voting accessible to all eligible voters is critical. To ensure that voters with disabilities
have access to voting, Cherokee County has the following accommodations:
Curbside Voting:
Curbside voting is available at all polling places. Look for the CURBSIDE VOTING
sign and give us a call. We will bring the ballot to you. Curbside voting is reserved for voters
that are physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood
of injuring the voter's health (Texas Election Code Sec. 64.009.
Polling Place Accessibility:
All polling locations in Cherokee County are accessible to voters with
disabilities, as is all the voting equipment. The voting machines have multiple functions
that make them accessible to all voters.
Persons that need physical help with voting are able to bring an assistant of their choice to
help with the voting process. (The voter's union representative and/or employer are
ineligible to assist.) Election workers are also available upon request to assist.
Ballot by Mail:
Voters with disabilities are also able to request a ballot by mail. They can request a ballot
for a single election or for all ballots they are eligible for in that calendar year. They
can request an application from our office or they can print the application from the
Secretary of State's website and mail it to our office. We must receive an application
from the voter prior to mailing the ballot.
For more information on services that are available in Texas for
voters with disabilities, visit www.VoteTexas.gov
Countywide Polling Place Program
What is the Countywide Polling Place Program?
It is a program offered by Texas Secretary of
State that allows registered voters of approved
counties to vote at any one of the available
polling locations on Election Day instead of
only being eligible to vote at the location in
your voting precinct.
This gives voters more flexibility in where they
can vote and limits Provisional ballots or having
to leave one location to go to the one within
your precinct.
There are currently a third of other Texas
counties that participate successfully in
this program.
For more info:
TEC Sec. 43.007 (pdf)